My name is Ximui. I'm one of Mango's brothers.
Thanks Ronak for asking if I have my own blog. I don't have one but I can use Mango's blog to voice my concerns.
I share with you my favorite place under the sun

Me and many Mini Me's

I'm a relaxed, happy puggy until...

...Until the day Mango made his appearance in my house.
All nice bloggers out there, please go back to the previous entry to find out the truth about us fighting for GIRL!
Hi mango´s brother!!! Nice to meet you, i like so much your swimming pool, i love it
Love, Chloe
Hi Ximui,
I've gone back to re-look at the pictures again.. Hmmm.. you do seem to be quite right.. esp the last pic..
Oh and I love the pic of you on the giant float!!
Hello Mango,
thanks so much for the kind words and prayers for my Aunt Annie. The Mommy has been so sad but this morning she got some wonderful brother Toby got re-adopted today.
I love to make friends so can I add you and your brothers to my fellow Texan friends?
Love Mona & the Mommy too!!
Mona again,
Do you think I could use one of your pictures on my blog to introduce you to some of my friends?
hi mango!! (and the rest of the familly)
my mum wishes i loved water as much as you seem to..anyway, you seem to have a nice time and i m envy of you...i feel a bit neglected cause grandpa is in hospital and everyone is runing around....hope soon everything back to normal..
How do you pronounce Ximui? It is nice to meet you. I use Peanut's blogs on fridays when I have something to say.
Hi, Ximui...
Uh Oh...Sounds like a family feud...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Ximui!
Nice to meet you!
That picture of you in the pool is pawesome!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs
Sounds like you two have some sibling rivalry going on!
Hey Mango, thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog!!
Hi there Mango! Thanks fro dropping by my blog & leaving a comment too. Oh oh, had a fight with Ximui is it? Hey I saw that big turtle float in Penang but Mommy didn't buy it. Hmpf! Sure we can be friends!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I tagged you to do the Cold Box post. Stop by my blog to see what it's about!
Hi Ximui!
You are so cute and nice to know you.
Boy n Baby
Hello Ximui, you sure look like a nice brother to Mango
~ Girl girl
Hi Ximui, you are so cute and you are so brave to sit on the float...
slurpy licks,
Heya Mango,
The Mommy told all my DWB frineds, who will be your friends too, on my bloggie tonight about you.
Love Mona
PS...I didn't put any pictures of your brothers cuase you are cuter than them...heehee
Hi Ximui! That's a great one!!! The big float sure freaks me out IF i were there! hahaha
Mango! Check my blog out! You've got an award!
Hello Mango and Ximui! It's nice to meet you both!
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.
Simba x
Maltese RULES!
Maltese ROCKS!
Maltese are the BEST!
Maltese Maltese all the way!!!!
Mango, I have an award for you. Come over to my blog to check it out.
How do you ever pronounce your name, Ximui? Can your mom do a video so we can hear her say it 5 times! hehehe Then it will stick in our mom's relaxed brain!
We actually came over to say hi to Mango cause we heard about him at Mona's blog but now we can say hi to both of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
LOL! *ahem* thank you so much for explaining this. While I adore Mango, Ximui, I would REALLY like to hear more from you. Especially since your mode of water transportation is so green and chic.
Ximui! Nice to meet you. I knew it was you the girl doggie was looking at....
And I have a mini me too - that little stuffy pug, just like yours!
Love Clover xo
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