Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shooting Awards

Hello precious pals,
Chubs is here, I was rescued in last June, I love my new family.
Mango is jealous of me, he has painted a dark image about me like peeing carelessly during many photo shoots.
Mango is the controlled maniac media, he wanted you to see what he wanted you to see.
Look at me, do you see a young attractive fun food friend loving innocent fella?

Our blog has been showered with too many Awards lately.
I will get off the wagon above to haul all the Awards home. (Mango, I don't want you whining about hurting your noodled lazy back).

We're very honored to receive this Award from Dr. Asta and we'd like to pass it on to Peanut, Snowy&Crystal, BWTH dog house, Happy, Huskee&Hershy, Lacy, Joe, Thor, Deetz&Gizmo, Chef, Lorenza, Pedro, and T-man Angel.

Lorenza gave us this Awards and we'd like to pass it on to Dr. Asta, Amber-Mae, Sunny and Scooter, Agatha&Archie, Rambo, Mango&Dexter, Fred, Maggie&Mitch, Snowy&Crystal, Snoop, Scotty, Snowball, and JB

Thor and Matilda gave us this Award and we'd like to pass it on to Casper, Fluffy&Porsche, Snowy&Crystal, Scruffy&Lacie&Stan, Pippa, Clover, Ben, Hero, Gussie, Isis, Jazz&Dixie, Puff, Ozzy and Noah.

Thor and Pedro gave us this Award and we'd like to pass it on to Dr. Asta, Simba, Stanley, Gizmo, The three Musketeers, Mango&Dexter, Momo&Pinot, Snowy&Crystal, Cocoa&Barley, Snowball, The Zoo, Girl Girl, and Abby.

Last but not least, Gizmo, Scotty, BWTH Dog House, Momo&Pinot, Cocoa&Barley, Happy, Pedro, Huskee, Cody&Lady&Zena, and Chef gave us this Awards and we'd like to pass it on to Ronin the Pug, Mona, Matilda, Boy&Baby, Boo, Xsara, Murphy, Poodle soup, Snowy&Crystal, Chloe, Jessie&Jake, Clover, Snowball, Maggie, and Goofy.

We love y'all and enjoy reading your blogs.
Until next post, cheers!


Lacy said...

w00f's me little friend Mango and Chubs...cograts on ur awards, and ty fur passing the "u lift my spirit" on to us, will post about it soon..mama was feelin a little down and all our friends here made her feels better..thank you fur that...

b safe,

pps me iz 1sttttt, heehee me iz never 1st.

Fred said...

Oh wow! Oh wow! Thanks for the award!
I enjoy getting perspectives from both Mango and Chubs. Interesting sides of the story. :)

Snowball said...

Thank you for passing the 3 awards to me. I am totally honored. Thank you very much.

I am sorry for slacking in visiting of my friend's blog. I will be back soon.


Murphey said...

Thank you for our award! I will get the lady to post it and pass it on for us!


Chef said...

Congratulations on receiving so many awards and thank you so much for sending me one. What an honour.


Gus said...

Mango and Chubs..congratulations on all the awards, you guys really deserve them. Thanks for sharing with me, I am humbled


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Mango...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...we love you Sweet Mango...we were offline forever cuz of mean old Ike....it's been takin' us a while to catch uppie!!!!

Thank you for the pawsome awards!!! You are the sweetest doggie!! Um...Sophie in Canada hurt her knee...I'm waitin' to hear if she needs nursing care...if she needs physical therapy, are you interested?? You're the only therapist we have!!!

I um left Texas in rather a HURRY...it seemed prudent to do so before Sunny awakened...I'm thinkin' she might of had a little headache??!!

Hmm...I'd love that cup of tea, Mango...perhaps we should meet somewhere???

Barkin' at ya Sweet doggie!!!

Love and kissies...Laciegirl

Katie and Gizmo said...

Wow Mango, look at all your awards. That must mean you are very special to get all of them.
Thankyou for passing one onto me as well.

Lotsa love and licks

Katie and Gizmo said...

Mango try their Ebay store Pet Attitude.


Asta said...

I missed you vewy much too..I loved the souf..evewyone was vewy nice, and I had a lovely time!!! but I wish all my fwiends wewe wif me.
Congwatulations on all youw awawds! and thank you so vewy much on giving me those awawds..you awe sooo genewous!!!
Chubs, you awe a cutie, and I'm so glad you found youw fuwwevew home wif youw wondewful family!
smoochie kisses to bof of you

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
Thanks a lot!
Congratulation on all your Awards!
You deserve them!
Chubs looks like a nice boy!
Kisses and hugs

Casper and pals said...

Thanks so much for the award!

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow Mango, so many awards and so deserved too. Thanks for passing on the I Love Your Blog award onto us. We're truly honoured.

Noah xx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chubs,
No no.. I can't believe you are anything other than a cute, innocent and fun-lovin' fella!

I am glad you picked this to be your family because I am sure you are one well-loved pup.. (and I bet Mango loves you too)

Thanks for the award and CONGRATS on all your awards!!

Joe Stains said...

Thank you guys so much for the pawesome award!!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, congrats on all your awards! You deserve them. You make me and my mom laugh. Thanks for passing on the buddy award to me!
I am your kitty cat buddy.

Rambo said...

Hi Mango & Chubs,
Congratulations on all of your well deserved awards.
Thanks for sharing one with me!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hello Chubs. I think you're a cute doggie. Thanks for giving us the pawsome awards

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh, don't worry.. we won't actually believe everything that mango said..

btw.. congratulations for all the awardSSS

Unknown said...

I'd say that's one award-winning blog you've got there! Congratulations!

Your pal,


Maggie said...

Thank you dear mango for giving me the award :D

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats on all your awards, Mango! Thank you so much for passing the You lift my spirit to me! I am happy I did it.

Love and licks

i said...

It sure is interesting to get both Mango and Chub's perspectives hehehe...

Whoa, that's a lot of awards! Congrats! Really well deserved! Thank you for passing one to me too!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Congratulations on all your awards and thank you for passing one on to me.

Simba x

Duke said...

Wow! We'll say you got showered with awards, Mango!
Thank you so much for honoring us! You're a very sweet friend!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Thank you for the award! And congrats on your awards!

The Musketeers said...

Congrats on your AWARDS ! & thanks for your award !

Love you !

BenTheRotti said...

Congratulations on all of your awards Mango you deserve them all, and thank you so much for passing one on to me, we love your blog too!! Mum will put it on my blog now and we will pass it onto others at the weekend (hopefully) We have a few to pass on but we have been a bit tied up with the Nowzad stuff.
Thanks again buddy,

Ben xxxxxx

Dexter said...

Little Mango,
Sorry I didn't pick up your super award yet. I have been SUPER DUPER busy. Hopefully I will catch up with everybody tonight.

Mango Major

Mack said...

Wow - look at all those awards!
How cool. How are things in Richardson? Did you get a lot of evacuees from Ike??

My dad's mom had a Maltese. His name was Sparky. He was handsome like you!

Nevis said...

Just found you guys...how cute! Nice to meet you guys!!!

Pedro said...

Holy chihuahuas, you did get alot of awards! Thanks for giving me the Lift My Spirit award! I will post it in a few days!!


The Black and Tans. said...

Thank you very much for coming and visiting us and signing our guest book.
We will come and visit you again soon.

Molly and Taffy xx

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Congrats on your Awards & Thanks for passing it on to me...

I'm sooo far behind right now...My Mom doesn't have to go to work until late tomorrow, so I'll post about it then...

Abby xxxooo

Ben & Darling said...

Wow Mango, you guys got soooooooooo many awards!!! congrat congrat & thanks for sharing it with us. We like the award and we gonna post it on my blog soon.

slurpy licks,

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

MANGO!!!! How I miss u sooooo!!! I am back!!! Sorry to make u worried lots!!! Thanks for the awards!!! I LOVE U MANGO!!!

Isis said...

thanks for the award! you're the best!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow, what a bunch of great awards you got! Thanks so much for my award. I love it!! Thanks for thinking about us during the storm. I am glad you guys are OK too.

Love Mona

Juno said...

Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much for giving the award to us. We're very honoured and we will post it on our blog shortly....

Chubs, we're glad you found such a great forever home!! :)

Momo & Pinot

Xsara and Tani said...

thank you so much for sharing the award with us! we are very glad that you like reading our blog - because we love your blog too :)

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

I gave you an Award...

Please stop by my Blog when you get a minute & pick it up...

Abby xxxooo

Snowy and Crystal said...

Chubs, we gotta admit that you are a cutie ^_^ (Crystal: but no one can beat Mango in his handsome-ness)
congrats on your award pals
wow baby! now we are woofless to see our names under each award

we wuv ya guys.


kishiko said...

Hi Mango!
Congratulations on your awards, and thank you sending me one. Talk to you later! wags wags

Clover said...

Hi!! Congrats on all your awards and thanks so much for passing some to me!! I can't wait to post them!
Love Clover xo

Ronin_The_Pug said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THANK YOUUUU!!! :*:*:* I love your blog toooooooooo!!! Huuugs!!!!

Ben & Darling said...

Hey Mango, I got something for you. Please drop by our house ya.

slurpy licks,

The WriggleButts said...

WOW! You really are showered with awards!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Congrats on all your awards, sweeties(and we like your pug brothers!!)
Thank you for thinking of us. We are trying to catch up. 5 days is a long time in blogland!!
Hugs&Hi 5s

Peanut said...

Thanks for the award. Chubs you are kind of cute. You know

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mango,

Sorry I missed your special day. Hurricane Ike took all our lights and we were without power for over a week and since we got it back, we have been tryomg to catchup on everthing that has been going on in the DWB worl. We just wanted to stop by & say hello.

Love ya lots....Mona

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Stop by my Blog when you get a minute to find out about Autobiography Week...

Abby xxxooo

well this sucks said...

Hi there Mango!
It's very nice to meet you.
Mona's been very sweet and has introduced a bunch of her friends to us. Before Elmo was introduced to our family, my mother wanted to have a maltese pal! Now we can all look at your pictures and enjoy them!

well this sucks said...

It's okay, a lot of people assume I'm the mommy but our mom is not at all computer savvy! Haha.

And Of course! I will link you back right now! :D

Snowy and Crystal said...

Snowy: Lo0o0oL at the lion in the jungle. I kindda look like my lion stuffie now :p

Crystal and I went to the SPA today! but to be honest with you, I cant wait until my hair gets messy again *hehe*

Maltese Paws


Crystal: am not mad at you or Snoop Handsome Mango *me wuv ya*

Isis said...

Hey guess what, i have another one for you to add to your list! AWARDY SUNDAY!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Mango, honestly, at this point we are not sure what Scooter was trying to say. But since it got late, and his typer was tired, if he did mean to leave a note everywhere(which is pretty much what he had in mind we think)and some got left out, that was not his intent. Soooo. Anyone who wants on should choose one! Including you sweetie!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

BTW-If Papa Noel is Santa Claus, yep we believe in him and the tooth fairy!

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Mango and Chubs!

Sorry this is so late...I blame my Mom. hehe! Congrats on your awards! They are SOOO awesome! And thank you SOOO much for passing one on to me...I am really honored! *grins*

Hope you had a great weekend!


Hugo said...

Hey Mango!

Thanks for visiting my bloggie! I'll like to sing a Happy Belated Barkday Song to you!

Happy Barkday to You~
Happy Barkday to You~
Happy Barkday to Mango~
Happy Barkday to You~

Licks and Leaps

Juno said...

Hello guys! We wanted to come by and see how you guys are doing! :)

Momo & Pinot

Eric said...

Happy Barday to my new pals Mango and Chubs. Pawsome to meet you and wow what a load of awards you hauled home. Thanks for visiting my bloggie, it was wagging to see you - hope to see you around again? Wiry wags, Eric

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

Mango! where r u am missing u lots....

Deetz said...

Awe Mango, in all the craziness and saddness of Gizmo passing I missed you giving me these awards....Thank you so much for the butterfly award. Isn't that weird that you gave that too me the day he died and then a butterfly showed up....that is kinda cool in a sad way. Great big hugs to you Mango my adorable friend and thank you for being there for us.

Dino and Family said...

Congratulations Mango on your many awards! You are so adorable, you deserve them all!
Love, Dino

Dexter said...

Mango Minor -
Sorry about this, but dopey momma wrote a note to me whilst she was suffering with a fever that said you left me an award. If so, I'm having trouble finding it. If not, just ignore stupid momma.


Simba and Jazzi said...

Thank you so much for passing an award on to me. I love getting awards.

Simba x