Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hello my precious friends,
I'm back!!!
I noticed that my picture was not posted on the milk carton "Have you seen me?".
Nobody wondered if I'm missing in action *sob! sob!*
OK, so much for whining.
I apologize for diving too long. I'm in big debt: Joe, Snowy, Rambo, Huskee tagged me a long while ago, I promise (again!) that I will respond asap (hehe).
Bolo, Chloe, Cyrus, Coco and Rocky gave me Awards, thank you, I pick them up in a timely manner (seriously!).
This post I dedicate to my dream girl, my true love, my adorable CRYSTAL
She is an elegant, stylish young lady!
Either pretty indoors
Or sporty outdoors
I show you why I say we were made for each other
Happy together
Tirelessly sending romantic wet kisses
Enjoying each other, we're forever soulmates!
Lovesick together
Excited together
CRYSTAL my love, Dallas-Dubai-December-Delightful-Dating...
All bloggers out there, please add more "D" for our love story, please please no " danger, disease..." hehe!
Until next post, cheers!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Aww...Mango, that is SOOOO sweet! I would call you a very much Dedicated Doggie boyfriend...*wink*


Raising Addie said...

Diamonds are a dogs best friend, Mango!

When will you pop the question?

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mango
How about darling & delicious.
You two were made for each other.

Love Ruby

Ps Thank you for the award.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah, you're so devoted to Crystal. :)

~ Girl girl

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Teehee! Mango, no worries about being stuck for always happens when you're in LUUURRRRVE...*wink*

Cigar...I don't know where I can get cigars here! LOL! I'll ask Mom to send you one...*wink*


Maggie said...

u are seriously in love :D
but falling in love is so sweet

The Musketeers said...

Aww ~ You two are really a great couple I should say !!

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Crystal is verylucky to have a Prince Charming like yourself. Maybe when i grow up into a big girl i will meet my prince charming...but untill happy being the Princess!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco - The Princess

Asta said...

Delicious ,Dawling,Dweamy life is what I wish fow you and youw lovepup two awe vewy lucky to have found each othew!!!!!Double destiny
smoochie kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Mango,
No wonder Snowy is so smitten with you.. you are one romantic pup! You two have a lot in common.. same cute puppy looks, awesome smile.. a match made in doggie heaven!!

Goofy said...

that is a real sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet post..

you both are really greatly in love, huh


Cocoa the Beagle said...

You're in love Mango! Ohhhhhh you're sure a romantic pup! I say Crystal and you are a perfect match!

Cocoa and Barley

Amber-Mae said...

I smell puppy love in the air...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus said...

Darling, Delicious, Divine, Delectable, Delerious, Darn Cute


kishiko said...

Hi Mango!
Dreamy Doggies! zzz
I love those beautiful pictures.

kishiko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey Mango! You sound lovesick for sure! And very "D"evoted!!
Hugs & Hi 5s
Sunny & Scooter

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

How sweet...You two were made for eachother...

I say Totally Devoted...

Abby xxxooo

Snowy and Crystal said...

Oh my, handsome, what shall I say now! me not good at woofing when someone as special, loving, caring, charming, handsome as you post such a bootiful post just for me *I am melting* little heart can't take it especially because it is fwom the boy who stole my heawt the first time I saw that pic of him licking that little nose in my guest book!

My darling soulmate, I wuv you soo vewy much! i also wuv the matching pictures that you added

It is cool that both the cities that we live in starts with the same *D*

I sure would add *Devotion*

Mommy calls me an *angel* sometimes. hmm! Don't angels have wings? Where are mine to help me fly to you?

isn't it a torture to be far away fwom the one you wuv? mommy told me not to worry...if my love didn't come to me, i can go to him and give him real kisses ^_^

I wuv you my man

sending my many many loving kisses to you handsome

Peanut said...

Glad to see you back buddy.

Simba and Jazzi said...

D for devoted to you, ah love is in the air.

Simba x

Isis said...

i was wondering where you were off too! I was worried about you friend!

I'll try to think up some more 'd's' for you!

Are you guys officially dating now?!

Daisy said...

Oh Mango, Crystal is very beautiful! I do not blame you for being smitten.

well this sucks said...

ahhh adorable pictures!
sorry!!! I should've posted it up if I was going on a hiatus, but sister dana is having a test week at school and it's crazy. We'll be back with pictures soon!

Katie and Gizmo said...

Hi Mango, you really got struck with cupids arrow bad didn't you!

She's a beauty though and I wish you both all the love and happiness in the world.


Bee Bee said...

Dear Mango

Wow!!!! Crystal said yes! Hehe! You two look dazzling together!

Happy for you two :D

Bee Bee

T-man Angel said...

Your girlfriend is really pretty!! You and she look a lot alike too. You'll make a cute couple ;)

T-man Angel

PS: How about "deliriously" in love??

Joe Stains said...

glad you are back!!!

Chef said...

Hey Mango ... you are hopelessly over the moon, fella. How about D-licious because that's what love is!


Myeo said...

You two are a perfect couple!

Boy n Baby

The WriggleButts said...

That's so sweet, Mango!


Aki and Poopie said...

oh.. everyone is so in love this week.. i hope its not part of hay fever or anything like that...

The both of you look so good together. You even do the same things despite the distance.. you're such a sweetheart Mango..

As for you D's how about:

Despite the Distance and d' Dreaded Dallas-Dubai-December Datings, I Dine in Dewey Dreams of Doggone Delight, Drunk in Delightful Dreams of d' Dazzling Damsel Dog dat is Crystal..

drooly kisses,


Noah the Airedale said...

It's all just Delightful...

Noah xx

Snowy and Crystal said...

awwee Handsome Mango, I knew that you wouldn't confuse me with my brother ^_^ I just realized that there are two questions you asked and I didn't answer yet

Q1: Will I be expressive in the costume "prisoner of love"?

Q2: who is sunny? does he have a blog?

A1: oooo ya! you will be expressive in any costume you put on *melts*

A2: Sunny is a maltese x poodle. She has a blog that she recently created:
she is a sweetie we just see vewy little of her

Rambo said...

so I see you were stung by the LOVE bug! That's pawsome. It's a match made in heaven:D

Rambo & MM

peee esss
All the good "D" words were taken...I can't think of any!!

Casper and pals said...

DELIGHTFUL to be in love!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Aww, Mango, you two do make a great couple!

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Snowy and Crystal said...

To my man,

Did you choose your Halloween outfit yet?

I hear Snowy and the sweet Texas girl plan for something. Sounds like a *date* to me....Wouldn't it be fun if we double date?



Lacy said...

w00f's Mango, u iz sooo in luv wiff crystal...she gits cuter everday...hmm got me mind workin, whos dat texas butety that snowy likes...

b safe,

Unknown said...

Mango, clearly you are head over paws for Crystal - and she is adorable!

I think if Mommy ever saw the two of you together in the fur, she's squeee from the cuteness!

Your pal,


Unknown said...

Hi Mango - nice to meet you cutey! thanks for posting on our puggy blog. We enjoyed reading about your adventures, little fearless Mango. So nice to meet a Texas doggy neighbor!
with pug hugs from Flower Mound,
Howie, Annie and Java and mom

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I heard about you and Crystal! You two are Darling together!
Pee Ess: I will go check out dino's site.

Clover said...

Oh Mango, what a sweet post! I can't seem to think of any D words to add - you thought of so many already!
Love Clover xo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mango,

Me & Snowy are ready to go double dating with you and Crystal. Snowy was thinking about a romantic dinner halloween night. Could you have your Mommy e-mail the Mommy @ and I can forward my e-mail to Snowy and his to me?

Can't wait for H night.


Pedro said...




Mack said...

I think you and Crystal make a "Delightful" couple!

Chloé said...

Hi mango!!! You are very, very beatiful!!! I like so much your picture. I hope that you like the award, congratulations!!!


Lacy said...

w00f's Mango, heehee me furgoted it wuz mona...she shure gits around dont she, and yess her iz a cutie..

b safe,

Perry said...

Mango you are so adorable and cute.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Mango!
You and Crystal make a great couple!
I have an award for you.

Love and licks

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh boy,you have got it BAD!!!!!!!But what a cute couple!!!! Love A+A

Amber said...

Hey there Mango :) you are very romantic :) Crystal will be so happy when she sees this. i visited your friend, Dino's blog. I'm soooo glad they found the poor puggy.

Have a nice weekend! :)

Dexter said...

Mango Minor! Get a grip on yourself. You're acting like a doofus over that piece of fluff. She is quite lovely, but show who her the dog is, little fella.


Pedro said...


Hahahaha! You're a professional begger too???


Eric said...

Mango,Must be love,love,love tha pawfect match like looking in the mirror!!

wag, eric

PPs will go and visit your friend Mango..

Boo Casanova said...

hi mango, crystal been talking about you in her blog too. you two make a great couple.

wet wet licks


Dino and Family said...

Mango, Whoa! You and Crystal are indeed made for one another!
Thank you so much for telling your friends about Puggy, I am happy to report that he is doing well at Dou Dou Mom's home. Unfortunately, they don't have a blog. We are coping fine with his medical expenses, thanks so much for the offer! I will try to get a new photo and update on Puggy soon!
Love, Dino

Juno said...

Mango!! Thanks so much for your bakday messages to our mom!

Ohhhh....we feel like we're watching good love story. :)You're in love with Crystal!! You two are so cute and look good each other.

We were surprised that many of our friends have WII! :) Dad bought a wii Hell's Kitchen for mom but we did't know there is wii Dancing With The Stars. Mom might get it soon.

There is more award for you. Please come by our blog when you get a chance.

Momo & Pinot

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mango,

Did you get the e-maol the Mommy sent? She is getting frustrated becuase for some reasin she can't attachmnets to work on her e-mails.

Love ya....Mona

Boo Casanova said...

mango, i've moved to please update your blog link.

wet wet licks


Snowy and Crystal said...

oh Mango,

I keep on looking at these matching pictures and can't help it but dweam of you even mowe and mowe *melting*

I am counting the hours until I go out for my fiwst date wid you



Snowy and Crystal said...

My man,
I am jumping up and down in excitement ^_^ I just cant wait



Dino and Family said...

Please collect your awards from my blog. Love, Dino

Snowy and Crystal said...

Handsome Mango...


I mean...

we are...we both are...

Fred said...

Deeeelightful! said that already.
Doggone it!

i said...

Hi Mango! You must be DANCING for joy! So happy for you! And I'd say you've got yourself a real DIAMOND there :-)


Hi Mango
Welcome back. how about devoted,dizzy down right in love!
Happy Halloween

The Musketeers said...

Happy Howloween Handsome boy !

Love & Hugs ,
Three Musketeers

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

How about Dynamic?


Duke said...

Crystal is quite the looker! Delicious!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

You and your girlfriend look SOO cute together.

To answer your question; Yes, Pedro is a gentleman.

Zen said...

hello delicious Mango!

we missed you!! no updates?

Slurpy licks

Bella Baby said...

Oh you are just the sweetest little girl. I love your little bows:)