Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today Dec 2, my dream girl turns 2, Happy Barkday to you, Crystal baby.
I know you are very happy 'cause now you have me, 4ever, promise!

We're so happy together, muahhhh!

All of you who are reading this, please rent a U-haul to haul back as many Awards as you can, my honor to pass them onto all of you!

Coco gave this special Award, the scent of Mango, you made me a VIP, thanks cutie

Coco, Honey and Happy made my day with this Award.
I love your blogs more and I mean it!

Holly and Zac, Happy, Bolo, Thor, Mona, Chloe, Ruby and Coco decorated my garden with those pretty wing of butterfly

Holly and Zac, and Ruby granted me this Award, it's so cute, thanks buddies!

My dear pal, Cyrus had made me rolled on the floor with his humor, please visit him to have a good laugh

Elmo gave me this Award, you know that you lifted my spirit too, didn't you?

These Awards are from Honey and Happy, that is so inspirational, thanks pals!

Happy, Ruby, Paco and Milo, Mona, Dino, Holly and Zac teached me how to share, specially LOVE

Coco enriched my wallet with this gold visa card, thanks a million!

Rocky and company huged me and handed me this Award, you know how much I love to have those helpful ladybugs in my garden, thanks.

Dino, Happy, Honey, Holly and Zac brightened my day with a perfect blend of Friendship, thanks a bunch!

Until next post, cheers!


Brownie said...

Happy Birthday to Crystal! I didn't saw any post in Crystal's today so you remember very well!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

hi dear friend!!!!
we're very happy to hear your news!!!
How are you??
Happy birthday to Crystal!!!!
Mango.....we have gave you some awards.........NOOOOOOOOOOO....you don't have seen our blog???????
Sigh sigh sigh!!!:-))))))))
lots of love!!!!!!!!

Par said...

Happy Birthday!
Hope you get everything you wish for!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mango
Congratulations on all your awards. You are well loved and have a great blog.
Happy Birthday to Crystal.
I was getting worried about you. I was ready to send the Texas Rangers over to knock on your doghouse to find out why you haven't updated your blog.
I'm glad I didn't have to.
See you soon.
Love Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats to both of woo!

All those khool awards AND your girrrrrl's birfday!

Is it khake time yet?


Mack said...

Happy Barkday, Crystal! I hope it was a good one!

Lacy said...

w00f's Mango, blogger eated my comment awhile ago..happy barkday to ur girlfriend...and congrats on all ur awards..we all love u..

b safe,

Asta said...

That is twuly the biggest stash of awawds and you desewve them all!!!!
Did you get Mommi's peemail about hew pwessie??
I hope so ..if not pleez give me a diffewent addwess OK?
Cwystal is the luckiest giwl to have you love hew so.
I love you too and thank you fow being such a good fwiend
smoochie kisses

Eric said...

Happy birthday to your sweetie.And superdooper you get all those awards, you desrve them all. Wagging ngood to see you Pal.

wiry wags, Eric xx

Rambo said...

Rambo & MM

Juno said...

Hello and congratulations on your many many awards!! And....we can finally :) see your update, Mango! We're glad you are ok.

Happy Barkday, Crystal!! We have to go visit her!

Momo & Pinot

Unknown said...

Phew! No wonder we haven't seen you in a long time - you've been busy cleaning up at Awards Shows!

Your holiday decorations look very festive!

Your pal,


The Musketeers said...

wow ! Now that is a lot of award ! & Happy barkday to Mrs Mango ! Oh I mean Crystal !!! BOL !

Four Musketeers

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
I missed you!
Happy Birthday to Crystal!
Congratulations on all your awards!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Happy Birthday to Crystal! I'm going to go over to her bloggie to wish her too...=)

Congrats on those lovely awards, Mango!

Hope you have a great day too!


Thor and Jack said...

Hi Mango!
Happy Birthday to Crystal!
Congrats on all your awards! you deserve them.

Love and licks

Lizzy said...


Oh my dogness! Those are tons of awards! Congratulations my friend!

Is it really Crystal's barkday today? I must go over and wish her a happy barkday right now!


The Animal Doctor said...

mango, we missed you. you are truly in love!

thank you for the award, they are lovely.

the Secretary
trudis, moy, jappy

Hero said...

Happy Birthday, Crystal! Congrats on your many awards, Mango!

Boo Casanova said...

mango, i'll be wishing crystal b'day too. didn't know she's on 2/12. a day too late for me to wish but i'll anyway.

so many awards. congrat!

wet wet licks


i said...

Happy birthday to Crystal!

Oh wow, that's one huge load of awards you've got there! Congrats! Certainly well deserved!

Aki and Poopie said...

aw mango. you are really a sweetheart. we missed you a lot.. have you checked on dear crystal lately? her mum seems to be very busy, but we are so glad you never forgot her birthday!

you are indeed the best boyfriend any dog can ask for!

we love you mango boy!

drooly kisses,


Bae Bae said...

Woh. that's alot of pawsome awards you have.
Happy Birthday to Crystal

~ Bae

Ronin_The_Pug said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRYSTAL!!! Wow! So many cool awards and gifts! So nice!
Kisses and hugs!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh wow.. that is A LOT of awards! Congrats Mango.. I can't think of anyone more well-deserving than you!

Simba and Jazzi said...

A very happy Birthday to Crystal. Congrats on all those awards.

Simba x

Raising Addie said...

Happy Birthday Crystal!!

Congratulations on all of your awards Mango!


Jiro@Rocky Loot said...

Happy birthday..and it's holiday season..we are going to have long long weekend...Monday is Haji celebration..u will have holiday as well ?

Petra said...

Happy, happy birthday to Crystal! Birthdays are as much fun as Christmas! Congrats on ALL of those awards; you are rolling in them, Mango!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Happy Birthday wishes to Crystal.

Congrats on all your awards Mango. :0)

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Happy Birthday to Crystal...

Congrats on all the Awards...

Abby xxxooo

well this sucks said...

Hahahaha Thank you! I'll take the butterfly award! :) Thank you thank you!

Katie and Gizmo said...

My gosh Mango look at all those awards.

I sure have missed you

Hugz & Lickz

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mango
I'm glad you're blogging again and everthing is alright with you.
Thank you for offfering me an award. I really like the "Scent of Mango" but I think I should leave that one for Crystal. I will take the "you lift my spirit award"
Thanks Mango
Love Ruby

Chef said...

I hope Crystal has a very happy birthday, Mango. Knowing that you love her means she's very happy!

What a pile of awards!Congratulations. Everybody loves you!

About your comment: I'm sure your Mama is so proud of you too.

Listen, you can not only have the bag, I'll send you the blanket too.

Tell your Mom to email me your address,k?


Bee Bee said...

Woooh! Happy Birthday to Crystal too! Hope I am not too late :D

I love chicken breast too! Haha!

Bee Bee

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Barkday to Crystal! You sure received SO many awards!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Happy 2nd birthday to Crystal! We hope she had the best day ever!
Congratulations on your awards, Mango! You deserve them all!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Emma and Emmy said...

Happy birthday to you, Crystal.

Isis said...

what great awards! mango, you're so popular!

Agatha and Archie said...

That is alot of awards(and well deserved) We love your new header!! Love A+A

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mango,

You sure gots lots of awards. I'd like to have the Lady Big one.

I am very broken hearted too. Maybe Snowy has decided I'm too old for him or maybe he and Crystal just couldn't couldn't keep up with us Texas doggies. I still love my Snowy & I know you still love Crystal even though we have been deserted.

I'm glad you are my friend...love ya lots Mona

kishiko said...

Hi Mango!
Oh you have a lot of awards! Congratulations! And Happy Birthday to Crystal!
I heard you have persimmon trees. Do you eat them? wags wags

Chef said...

Hi Mango! It's a deal! Email me at boxer.chef@yahoo.ca and we'll exchange addresses, k?


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mango
I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
I have some awards for you.
Love Ruby

Snowy and Crystal said...

My man Mango - thank you so vewy much for the birthday post. I had no idea you made one....I can NEVER ignore or forget you - me wuv ya so vewy vewy vewy vewy MUCH..I blame my lack of visits to you to give kisses to mean mommy!! She even doesn't allow me to check on that site that we are registered in to check on our subscribed blogs!!!! Not fair

but no worries, she will soon be over with school and I can be with you very very often

luv ya my man and I say it again: I am lucky to have known such a gentleman *muaaah*

tones of kisses

Juno said...

Hello Mango!! Hope you're having a good weekend!!

Momo & Pinot

Noah the Airedale said...

Goodness look at all your awards Mango. Congrats on them all.
We hope Crystal had a great birthday.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, that is a lot of awards! Congratulations! And your sweeties is 2? Happy barkday to her!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hello Sweet Mango!!!!!

Oh my...we're glad ur back! And what wonderful awards!!!!!

Thank you for all the nice comments you have left for us on our bloggie...you are simply a total sweetheart, Mango!!!

Love you lots!


Chow Chow said...

Congrats on all the awards and sharing them with all your friends!

Aki and Poopie said...

how are you mango? you seemed very busy lately. hope you get back to blogging soon.

drooly kisses,


Cyrus The Great said...

So Crystal is a fellow Saggitarius too huh?! Thats cool! My barfday is on the 11th this month, I'll be 4! Im getting old dude! At least you have a spring chicken to keep you young!! Oh, and thanks for the mention in your blog! You're too cool Mango! (no fair, they don't make a scent for bulldogs?!! Oh wait, I forgot. Its called "Bullcr*p" LOL I think your's is a bit more appealing!)
Later dude!

Amber said...

Happy 2nd Barkday to cute crystal! Congrats on all your awards!! You sure deserved them all :)

big licks form

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Concatulations on all those awards!!!

Happy Birthday to Crystal.

Pedro said...

Holy dawg-poop Batman, you got alotta awards there Mango! You deserve every one of them!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey sweet little Mango...just checkin' up on ya!!

Hope you are doin' well!!


i said...

Thanks for the lovely awards, Mango!

Rambo said...

I tagged you. See my blog.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Mango!
Just stopped to know how are you doing.

Love and licks

Joe Stains said...

Rocky doesn't have a blog, he is just a pal of mine who reads MY blog :)

Thanks for the good thoughts for him!

Asta said...

I miss you!!!
I love youw Chwissmuss Headew!!!
You look so gweat!
Mommi has been so busy that I'm vewy behind in visiting and posting and sending cawds and evewything..but you awe in my heawt
smoochie kisses

Aki and Poopie said...

how are you mango?

drooly kisses,


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Just tiptoeing around again to check on you. Hope you are having a pawsome weekend! Thank you for your cute card!

well this sucks said...

Hiya Mango! I've given you an award as well!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Mango, my man, I was jumping all over the place yesterday when the gift of love arrived to my place. My tail did not stop wagging. I slept last night with next to the gifts that you sent me..I had a beautiful dream about us going out in another date *ahhh*

thank you so much for your kindness my love



Duke said...

We got your awesome Christmas card in the mail today, Mango! Thank you so very much!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Isis said...

Hey hey hey... i got another one.... I left you an award!

Lacey said...

Happy birthday to Crystal!

That's a lot of awards you got. Thanks for the great card.

Comet and BLU

Clover said...

Hi Mango!
Congrats on all your awards!!
Love Clover xo

Snowy and Crystal said...

Mango, my love, mama says that she will try to help me post a pic of myself this coming weekend


i said...

Hey Mango, I have an award for you.

Dino and Family said...

Congratulations on your many awards, Mango! You deserve them all! I love your new Christmas photo! Love, Dino

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi my friend,

Thanks so much for my Christmas card. It is very special. I have never gotten one that sings before.

Hope your and your family have a Merry Christmas. I was dreaming of a White Christmas but since it already snowed, I guess I'll dream of my date with Snowy. I miss him so much.

Love Mona & the Mommy too!!

Lacy said...

w00f's Mango and pups, where iz u at??? me loves me card, thank u sooo much...mine will b there soon, mama iz lazy and slow...

b safe,

Juno said...

Hello Mango...just stopping by to say wooooof!! Thank you for your kind comments on our blog. How have you been? Hope you're ready for the bestest season of the year!! Oh your new header is so cute and wonderful as always!:)

Momo & pinot

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hi dear Mango!!
How are you??
we want to wish you a merry christmas....full of love and gifts!!!
we thin to you a lot!!!!
Lots ol love and kisses from us!!!!!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Mango, my man, how can I get mad at you OR your mommy!? I wuv ya sooo much and your gifts were an extra treat for me

What do you mean if I and brother have met Simba's mommy? Are they coming to DUBAI?????? am off to the little guy's blog right now



Snowy and Crystal said...

OMG Mango - mommy herself missed reading Simba's full comment in our previous post !!!!!!!!! how crazy is that - we remember that we took a quick look at most comments there and off we went to the new doggies pals' blog!!! not an excuse to miss a word from all our doggie pals in the blogging world.

We are so thankful that we are not late ^_^ We just sent Simba's mommy an e-mail

*So excited to meet them*

Maltese Paws


Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Hi Mango!!!

Thank you for the holiday card and my mommy thanks you for the gift!

I hope youare well and staying warm this holiday season

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco - The Princess

Snowy and Crystal said...

Wishing adorable Mango and his family a happy holiday season


Kat and the malts

Thor and Jack said...

My family and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Chow Chow said...

Have a pawesome Christmas!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Crystal: oh my man, you can ALWAYS tell us apart which is PAWSOME ^_^ I can guarantee that you will never give your special kisses to Snowy instead of me by mistake *hehe*

I so wish that you were here too..I acted just like a pwincess, while brother was the little clown...

Tones of kisses,


The Musketeers said...

We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Ciao Bello Mango! I hope you had a wonderfl Christmas! Can you believe that it is ANOTHER holiday today in Italy (Saint Stevens Day). These Italians sure do know how party! Hehehehe!

Sending you a big hug from across the miles!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey my man, no xmas pictures to share? :(



Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Merry Christmas! Did you stay cool down in Texas for Christmas?

Steve and Kat

Amber said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!

warmest regards
Amber :)

Asta said...

Hi Sweet Mango
I hope you and youw family awe having wondewful celebwations..I miss youw posts...but I know this is a vewy busy time of yeaw..Mommi and I thank you fow all youw sweet comments.
Have a vewy Happy New Yeaw
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess..did you see me in the movie at Sassy's bloggie?

kishiko said...

Hi Mango!
Have a wonderful holiday!
kisses and hugs

Snowy and Crystal said...

Handsome Mango,
I winked your blog in our blog. Is that okay?



Snowy and Crystal said...

oh I wuved the barkday pin .. soo bootiful .

I will treasure your gifts FOREVER

I will post some pictures that mommy took of all of us with you special gifts soon in the blog .

love and tones of kisses,



Kat: to have a link in a picture, go to:
Layout --> Page elements --> Add a Gadget --> Picture --> in the "link" bar, enter the URL of the site that you wanna link the pic to ^_^
I hope that was helpful


Hi Mango
Hope you had a great Christmas. Wow you sure love your girlfriend! Congrats on that sawg of awards.

Homer said...

Hi Mango,

Sure you can add my blog to your list!


Dino and Family said...

Hi Mango, I hope you are having a great time with your family and friends and just to busy to blog! Hope to see you back again. Happy 2009! Love, Dino

The Baconese said...

hi handsome. sorry my hooman is very very very veryyyyy lazy in updating. but now i'm back. merry christmas to you. how are you and your girl doing? when are we feasting? =D
and, where is the award located at? can I just grab anything, as in any thing? :D:D


Snowy and Crystal said...

Oh my man, mommy did not give me the chance to chew on the pin :(
but I still love it



Snowy: oh your mommy is so sweet, Mango - I sure wuv her too...cheerful tail wags are sent all the way to Dallas from me . Tell your mommy that our blog's new look was the price that mommy had to pay to Crystal and I for taking our laptop ^_^ Happy to hear that you liked it

Maltese Paws


p.s. Kat: Glad to hear that Ximui and Chubs loved the gifts...would sure love to see the "after" pictures :)

Lizzy said...


OMDog!! Hey, those roses were just too tasty, how could I help myself?! Someone has been spying on me! I really should charge them for using my name!


Homer said...

Hi Mango,

A Happy New Year to you and your family!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hi Mango,

We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a very happy new year.

Holly & Zac

Asta said...

Chubs and Mango
Thank you fow youw kindness and offews..as you saw, Stanley wemembewed me and we awe going out, but I suwe appweciated the kisses on my wed eyes and the lovely offew..any giwl would be pwoud to have eithew one of you as an escowt.
Have a vewy happy and healthy New Yeaw..love to youw pawents too
smoochie kisses

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mango,

Jut stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year.

Love Mona

Pedro said...

Hope you pups have a Happy New Year!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Happy New Year!!!

Snowy and Crystal said...

My man, happy 2009 to you
looking forward to this year...to more kisses and happy time I can spend with you



Snowy: thank you for the squeeze, Mango's mommy ^_^ I send a happy 2009 tail wag to you