Monday, May 17, 2010

I keep kicking myself

Hi everyone, my name is Mango the loser!

Yep, that's right! I'll tell you why.
Three months ago, my mom received a cute package from lovely
Everybody knows Star, Riley and her beautiful Mom

My mom forgot to hand it to me, until yesterday!
So sorry sweety Star, shame, sad, sob! sob!
I don't deserve her loving gifts!

Here I was looking at the package, priority mail!

What? Valentine presents?
And now I just opened it?
Oh my!

Can you tell that I'm a big loser?
I just lost a super love!!!
Star! Is it too late, baby?

Chubs always stole the treat first!

Tears rolling down as I read her Valentine card!

She even sealed the envelope with a kiss!
Ahhh! I felt like kicking myself!

Love and smoochie kisses from Star!
And her little heart made my heart stop beating!

I felt like sinking in quicksand.

Ximui and Chubs admired the treat, my treat!

My brothers are Pigs! not Pugs!

Star didn't forget to send me a designer outfit: Love Machine!
And a super cool bandana!

Her treats was delicious, good to the last bit!

I'm a handsome loser! See my gorgous bandana?

I love you Star!
I'm so touched with your thoughtful presents!

I will tell my grandpuppies some day that their grandpa had lost a super love and he had to live with his pain for the rest of his life!

Until next post, cheers!


Mack said...

You are da man lil Mango!
Love Machine?? Do tell.....


Great pressies, BTW!

Gus said...

wow..what sad tale (tail?) you have to tell there. I would be most very much mad at my muzzer. I might even "act out" a bit.

Hope your mama can help you win Star's heart back.


Eric said...

Noooooo.losing some loving from Star...Mom needs to PAY big time.Fab presents too. Wagging to see you again Mango. Hmm will Star yap the same?!!

Wiry love Eric xx

Duke said...

Star is one of the sweetest girls we know! We're sure she'll forgive you, Mango! She sure did send you nice gifts!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kess And Her Mama said...

Poor Mango! Never mind... Better late than never. Such lovely gifts.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Well, I have a one BF per breed rule SO woo might be able to share Star with Remington!

Nice pressies!

AND furry nice to see woo again!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
I am very happy to see you again!
About your presents... never is to late to tell us about them!
They sent you pawesome presents!
My mom sent to your mom a little package last january and she wants to know if your mom got it??
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

wow~!! you gonna have LOTS of pressie coming on later!

Mine will be late as usual cuz not the post office is far from our house.. mom is waiting the newly open courier office to open in few days time near our house hehe..

bout lobster.. mom said when she opened the link that you gave last time, she intend to take some but the price is too much esp for shipping T-T so she's waiting and discussing with archie's mom if both of them want to share the fees and then I'm gonna get another toy!! hehehe

Love & kisses,

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my Mango you did receive some very very nice presents from Star.
we do think a tall, dark man dog with very long legs beat you in the race for Star's heart. It has been claimed by a very large Gentle Giant Newfie named Rem...we thinks they are exclusive with no roving eyes. You will have to be satisfied to be Stars good friend!!! It is good to hear from you and if you like fickled women I'm available but I'll warn you I have a roving eye and have a short attention span!Madi

Daisy said...

What heartbreak! But I think Star must be very special, and I am sure she will forgive you. Besides, it was your mom's fault, not yours. Chin up, Mango!

Rambo said...

Pedro sent me over to kick some butt. He said your Mom has not been blogging, so don't I have to kick HER butt??? I don't know about that, she's bigger than me.

Good to see you!

Asta said...

My sweet handsome Fwiend!!!
Yopu awe cewtainly NOT a losew as evidenced by the love and bootiful gifts you weceived fwom youw dawling Staw(a most bootiful giwl..she could have anyone, and chose you!)
Sometimes ouw pawentses get in the way of ouw commoonications wif ouw fwiendses. Staw will undewstand.
I love you and am so happy to see you again. We've all missed you vewy much
smoochie kisses
youw fwiend always even if you can't wite often

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Oh Mango,
It is so nice to meets you and I am sure you knows this all ready but just in case you don't you are a very handsome pup!
Of course you can be my new furiends and I would luvs to be your new furiends too. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi to me. The next time I talk to Dory I will have to thank her for sending you my way!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Anonymous said...

i Mango, we found u in our friend Chewy's blog and came to say hi. little did we expect a heart breaking tale of lost love!
but Mango, we are Labradawgs, ALWAYS optimistic, hopeful....may be it is not too late. maybe Star has always been waiting for ur call?
just try ok? and let us know.

best o luck,
Ginger n Buddy

Asta said...

Deewest Mango
Thank you fow the kleenex to dwy my lonely teaws..I hope you will be the one knocking on my doow soon
smoochie kisses

Chewy said...

Hi Mango,

This is chewy. I love your blog. It is very nice. It would love to be your friend! Your present are really nice.

Paws and Licks

Unknown said...

yeah kiddo, go ahead and add us. we have added u too.
about the bandana n tie idea, must have a serious talk with mummy, though we are doubtful a bandana wil be comfortable, u see, the fabric is pretty thick and heavy, like those sofa covers.
maybe she can make a jacket for us.

sorry about Star. but then love is not about always getting what u want, is it?besides, we are sure u will find someone who will be your FUREVER love too.
till then just keep that energy level up
wags, bud n gin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Mango, YES I would love to be furends. Any furend of Mona's is a furend of mine.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Mango..I bet Star will understand..but, I don't know what she would tell Remington!

Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob & Bilbo

Snowy and Crystal said...

Dear Mango, you are no loser *wet licks* ... a handsome kiddo? Yes, that is 100% you ^_^

So sweet and thoughtful of darling Star to send you some pawsome pressies and awwwh a V. card <3 that pretty girl sure has a taste ;)

Thank you so much for posting. We sure missed ya.

We have been away from bloggie world too. Wait, longer than you, so that will make the two of us + our crazy mommy: The biggest losers :P

wet licks and tail wags



Hi Mango,

So happy you got the pressies and we are glad you like them too.

Hey Mango my Man, I didn't know you were a Grampa? Way to go Dude!

Riley and Star.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Marvelous, Manly Mango....what an surprise and honor to receive you most kind invitation to be your lady love for as long as my attention span lasts!!! MOL and hopefully you like full figured lady cats for I think I'm a smidge larger than you??!! Mom will email your mom today.
Your lady love

the teacher's pets said...

Hi Mango,
I just found your blog via the Blog Hop and I signed your guestbook (The Teacher's Pets AKA Petsitgal) and I don't know of another way to follow you but please know that I think your blog is super cute and creative!
I also wanted to send comfort your way about your lost love, Star, and I want you to know that it was not your fault that you didn't see the Valentine's gifts until now because somebody (ahem!) forgot so just send her an apology letter or a bone and explain why you never replied until now. Everything will be fine, Mango!
Your new friend, April

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

My little friend Mango,

Star would never drean of kicking you in the butt, maybe pat or two on your sweet little butt.

I miss you so much. Pease don't stay away so long.


Thor and Jack said...

Hey Mango! I bet that Star has already forgiven you! Great pressies you got! Glad to see you again, buddy!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Mango...Madi's little pink nose is blushing...we thank you for you kindness too!!!
Madi and Mom

Juno said...

Hello and welcome back, darling Mango!!!!

Star and Riley are such good friends to select pawfect pressies to you! It looks like it was worth to wait for a while to open the package! We love the cool bandana!

Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Mango!

Momo & Pinot

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh wow Mango, Star is so sweet!! Don't worry, being the sweet girl she is, I am sure you'll be forgiven in no time! Love the shirt she got you... 'Love Machine' suits you pawfectly!!

Heehee... I hope your brothers forgive you for calling them 'Pigs' instead of 'Pugs'!! LOL!! Nice of you to share the treats with them... you are such a sweetie!


Hi Mango,

We got a huge box of pressies from you! Wow! so much stuff! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We will do a post about it very soon.

That was sooo nice of you and your mommy. You really didn't have to do that butt, since you did, we are not sending them back! We luv everything!

Thanks Buddy, you're the best!

Riley and Star and mommy too.

Asta said...

Mango sweetie
Thank you fow weminding me about Mommi's owange sunbwella. I fowgot.
I'd love to come swim wif you, but I can't find my Vespa and it's too faw and hot to walk
smoochie kisses

koko said...

Hi Mango,

You're not a loser... just a slight overlook, blame it on the hoomans :)... love your blog and will be following your little adventures.

Licks, hero

Bella and Ollie said...

Hello i am Bella :)
I think you look funny in the first photo!
what a bother you only got the package recently!
Sometimes our mummies can be a silly, but we love them :)

Love, Bella.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mango you are the Man!!!
We'll keep our eyes peeled and advise you upon the arrival of said love notes!!!
Happy weekend,

Piappies World said...

Hello Mango!

Star is so sweet and we are sure she'd understand. They're really pawesome pressies and the Love Machine tee is soooo cute!

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

Busy Buttons said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. This is clearly your mom's fault for not giving you the package when it came! Blame the humans...any chance you can get...


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are not a loser. It sounds like your mom is busy too?
What are we both to do!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Mango I love to dance...every so often mom and I do a little slow dancing but she says I'm a little wiggly.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Mango package rec'd safely...we'll open it after supper there will be picutres to post later this week.
Thank you for your kindness,
Madi and Mom

My Mind's Eye said...

Mango my man!! I'm glad you liked the card. Mom and I desiged it together...well I sat on the desk sending her signals that she followed. We'll visit Autumn...
Madi and Mom

Dino and Family said...

Better late than never, Mango! Those are some very fabulous gifts from Star! You are very loved! Enjoy them!
Love, Dino