Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cool Pool

Last week, my nephew and my niece came to visit us. Who said the more the merrier?
Here is the Full House show's cast from left to right:
Ximui the Pug my oldest brother,
Chubs the Pug my newest brother,
Betty the Boxer my human sister's daughter(that makes her my niece),
Jack the Boston Terrier my human sister's son(my nephew!)
and I, Mango! The head of household! (do not mind my size)
We went out swimming in the backyard pool.
I wondered if Ximui enjoyed wetting his coat!
Can you spot me swimming in style?

Betty showed Ximui how to make big splash!

Oh! Where was Jack?
He was scared of the pool, poor kid! Even when he played with the garden hose, I still had to supervise him!

Suddenly, we noticed Chubs was not with us!
And where was he? Boy oh boy!

Betty and I had to teach Chubs a lecture of good behavior.

Then that very afternoon, after everybody came back inside, one gang of weird feathery creatures flew in from nowhere enjoyed themselves in our cool pool.
Hmm! No rest at all, I had to come out to show them who was the Boss!


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooooooooh! Your own swimming pool eh?
I went for a walk with mumy this morning and we saw some ducks too............but I couldn't go in the water cos there was a sign saying no dogs!

Pop by and say Hi!
I have added you to my new list of doggie pals.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Thanks for popping by, I see that you visited a farm. Are those cows friendly?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
Looks like everyone had a great time at the pool... even those duckies!
Kisses and hugs

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Looks like you had sooo much fun with your family...

There sure are alot of you...

You look sooo cute swimming in your hat...Or is that your Life Jacket?

Abby xxxooo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Yeah, we had a good time playing, screaming, chasing each other, wish you were here!
Life Jacket? I don't need one! All human's eyes were on me when I was swimming.

Ben & Darling said...

Mango, you are our special 101 guest and we have something for you. check out our blog!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you sure have a big doggie family. That pool looks pawsome

~ Girl girl

Poronchi Ninja Puppy said...

hi mango....
and hi ximui and hi chubs,

bet it was such a fun day :)

pochi poronchi