Mona and Peanut have given me the Awards!
Thanks thanks thanks! Kisses and hugs!
I carried 3 Awards myself halfway to the mantle (suggested by Jesse and Jake) then my little back got hurt ( I beg for a badly needed massage from Dr. Asta , please?).
I'll flash my awards next post, doggy promise!
This morning I had fun playing with Papa Reindeer and Mama Reindeer, they have been living in Attic Retirement Home . They came out for sunbathing one more time before heading back to the North Pole. We'll miss you!
My brother Chubs had no respect for Santa's helpers at all!
I took Baby Reindeer inside for a cold yummy juice smoothie *wink* and to stay away from the naughty Chubs *wink wink*
Then I came out for my modeling duty *wink wink wink*
Do I look my best when I turn left?
Or when I turn right?

Mom, are you clicking at me or at Ivy plant?
Ximui and Chubs: At Ivy plant, of course! You're just the boring extra!
Hi Mango
It's so vewy nice to meet you..I hope youw back is bettew..if you weally awe huwt I will cewtainly come ovew, but wight now, I'm so wowwied about my pal Jackson..I want to stay neaw him..
No wondew youw Mama takes so many pictoowes of you(not the plant) You awe sooo cute!
smoochie kisses
pee ess..thank you fow leaving youw pictoowe in my scwapbook..I will come check on you wegoolawly
Thank you for your kind words about my cat-sister Libby. We'll find out her test results tomorrow and hope everything will be ok. She is the queen of our house and nothing is right if she's sick... I like the pictures of you in the basket. I don't think you're the boring extra at all. The picture would be boring without you!!!
Hi Mango!
Boy are you a little cutiepie! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your pals,
Mica and Petey
why did chubs pee on that poor reindeer. What is wrong with him? You look cute in all your pictures.
Hi Mango,
We are glad we found DWB too, when we did. I don't know how far back you have read my blog, but their has been a lot of heartbreak since we started it on labor day 2007--we haven't even been blogging a year yet--and without all my friends at DWB the Mommy would have just as soon laid down & died when she got so sick and had to give my brothers Jacks & Toby back to DROH, I'm so sorry you lost a brother. My Mommy lost her Samantha in Jan 2005, and almost gave up on life. I hope I can stay with the Mommy for 14 1/2 years like she did. Roxie,Sammy & Andy, who were also adopted from DROH belonged to DWB and that how we got started blogging & we are so happy we did.
Love to everbody and here's another ((((HUG)))) just for you----Mona
Hi Mango,
thanks for stopping by my blog! Yes, I was lost in the woods in New Jersey (of all places) for nine whole days. My family trapped me in a raccoon trap and I was saved! It was the scariest time ever.
he he he Chubs peeing on the reindeer is hilarious!
I think you look great from any angle!! You are a cutie!! I wish I had some cool reindeer friends.
Hi, Mango!
Yes, Chubs does not have respect!
Your mom was kidding. She took all those pictures of you, not the plants!
Kisses and hugs
Mango, you make a better model than the ivy plant for sure! Great pictures of you!
No doubt you look better than that ivy plant.
Slurpy licks,
we love those pics and so does our mom - you are a super model!
Our mom says that most dogs can eat watermelon (without the seeds) it is just that Jake is allergic to a lot of foods and dust and who knows what else so he can't.
Woof Mango
We really don't care about the legal doggie drinking age, we just sneak across the border to Mexico and buy beer. Mom never catches us.
Desert Pups
dear mango,
there is absolutely no such thing as being too cute. One can never be too cute when one is mango. the classic way to put it is, mango is the epitome of cute. the archetype of cute.
I just noticed you live in Richardson. Very nice to meet you!
My mom says she loves that bicycle ivy stand and you look awfully cute in the back! Come visit me sometime.....
I love that bike! Its so cool!
Simba x
Your mum is definitely taling pictures of you cos you are just too adorable.
Why would anyone take a picture og a plant?
Boy n Baby
Hey Mango -
we missed you SO VEWY VEWY much!! Glad to be back =)
We enjoyed reading what we missed from your blog
thank you so much for the wards pal
we wuv ya
and by the way, you look super duper ADORABLE in these pictures
Maltese Paws,
Snowy and Crystal
You are one handsome pup! My brother has white fur, but most of the time it's a grey/brown color. Oh well...
I'm from Texas too! And so is my brother. He was adopted in Austin and I am from a rescue in Houston. We live in a place now that gets seriously cold for a few months of the year and it does something called "snow." What gives?
Nice to meet you!
Hi Mango!! WHen we switched over to the new blogger way that tells you when someone hasposted we somehow lost a ot of friends,,,,but here we are againa dn you are right back on our list!!!! Love and kises A+A
Hi Mango,
Ahhh... Chubs really has no respect for Santa's helpers. I hope he is not in Santa's 'naughty' list this year!
C'mon, the ivy is the extra... you are the lead of course..
Hahah Chubs peed on the reindeer! Mango, you are so cute sitting with that ivy! I bet your mom was taking your picture, and not the plant's picture.
Love Clover xo
TAG, your it. Check out our blog for details.
Rambo & MM
Hello Mango, thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind words. It really means a lot to me and the Js. J x
Hello and nice to meet you, Mango, Ximui and Chubs! Mango, your barkday is between ours. We of course love to be your friends. :)
We enjoyed looking at your very cute photos. The 2nd one is really funny, Chubs! :D
Our human grandma has a few Maltese and puggies who just look like you guys. :) We'd love to link your bloggy to ours. Hope it's ok with you.
Your new friends,
Momo & Pinot
Mango, you look goot no matter which way you look. How can any silly plants be more attractive than you? Your siblings are only jealous of you and thats why they say that you are the boring addition.
hi mango dear :)
i think u did great on ur modelling duty....
and chub, haha.... you go boy !! :)
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