Thursday, October 9, 2008

Piggybacking, all the way!

Hello my precious friends,
Have you missed me? I can't hear y'all.
Yeah, I've missed you more.
I have a lot to tell you, first off:
BWTH Doghouse

The Proximidade Award, thanks BenBen, Twinkle, WangWang and Hippo, I have tons of fun visiting your blog.

From Isis

The Premio Dardos Awards, thanks Isis, I love your kindness to other bloggers.

From Abby

The I'm An Awsome Blogger Friend Award and the Premio Dardos Award, thanks Abby, I enjoy reading your blog.

From Deetz

The Gold Paw Award and the I'm An Awsome Blogger Award, thanks Deetz, I always want to be with you through happiness or sadness.

All my friends, please pick your favorite awards, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you, cheers!

Are you worried about world economy?

I have to admit: my saving lalety has been down to a critical level, thanks to Abby and Deetz who gave me Green (the color of money) and Gold to help me out during the stock crisis or whatever.

Go Green, Save Green, I help saving our planet by piggybacking a biker, all the way to Dubai, Crystal my love, I'll be there by December, muahhh!

Until next post, cheers!


The Musketeers said...

Aww , thats very sweet of you to do that for Crystal ! Congrats on all the awards ! you deserve it ! & we sure miss you !


The Musketeers said...

BOL , I gotta watch out for Beckham then . Yeap , the needle in the vein .
Regarding about the award , what do you want me to do ? Mummy & I were clueless ? BOL , sorry about it .
take cares !!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's alot of pawsome awards you got there Mango. We missed you. I hope you reach Crystal soonerest

~ Girl girl

The Musketeers said...

Oh its your blog , your choice , we will be very happy to get an award . BOL !

Lots of Loves

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mango!
Congratulations on all your Awards!
You deserve them!
Kisses and hugs

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Mango,
Yes, we missed you heaps!! Congrats on all your awards...

Have a lovely weekend and don't be gone for too long this time!

Joe Stains said...

congrats on your awards, I tagged you on my blog a few days ago!

Asta said...

Congwatulations and thank you fow the awawd..I took the golden paw..I think it's vewy special!
I admiwe all youw effowts to be gween..piggy backing sounds like fun, and Crystalwillbe so thwilled.
smoochie kisses

Raising Addie said...

WOOOHOO! Congrats on all of your awards! A sweetheart like you deserves all of them and many more!


Boo Casanova said...

so many awards, which one do i want? maybe i choose MANGO as my award. is that alrite with you??

wet wet licks


Katie and Gizmo said...

Hey Mango, I did miss you heaps.

So many awards to choose from. I think I might go with the gold paw one cause it's nice and sparkly.
Thanks :-D

My mum is better now and yes I found out it was a snail in my backyard and I could eat it with garlic butter on it, mmm.

Green and Gold, Hey that's our Australian colours!


Chef said...

Congratulations on so many awards, Mango. Be careful on your travels to see Crystal - don't forget to wear a helmet. And if you pass through Canada, call me and we'll go hunt down some sticks together.


Lacy said...

w00f's Mango, u iz sooo sweet to u girlfriend...and congrats on ur loves coming to ur bloggie too...

b safe,

i said...

Hi Mango! Sure have missed you! Congrats on all your awards! Hey, are you in love? Who is that pretty maltese in the previous post?

Have a good weekend now!

The Musketeers said...

Gee thanks for the award anyway . we have chose the gold paw award (:


Simba and Jazzi said...

So many awards, congratulations. Have a great weekend.

Simba x

Snowy and Crystal said...

Crystal: me still read, but still find it hard to believe!!!! SO VERY EXCITED! I bettew start wowking on a fun plan *Crystak going woofless*

Snowy: congrats on your awards buddy- no worries, will help Crystal pick them up. thank you! we are honered. And one word about your post's last note: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - in excitement

Maltese Paws


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Mango

Congrats on all your awards. I hope you make it to see your love soon. That's along way to travel.

Love Ruby

The WriggleButts said...

That's a really good idea! Go green!


BenTheRotti said...

Hi Mango,

congratulations on all of your very deserved awards.
Mum is always saying we have to be greener.. i just give her "the look" I think she muct be colour blind.. can she not see I am black.. not even the slightest bit green.. so how can I get greener??? maybe you could advise me.. i'm a confused pup!

Have a great weekend my lovely friend,

Ben xxxxx

Maggie said...

congratulation on ur award.i think i will pick the golden paw award :D
it will be very special from a friend like you :D

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Mango, Mango...I was really green yesterday!!! See the grass was just cut and I ran in it and my feet were green almost up to my tummy!!!

Does that count?? neck was green too cuz I rolled in the grass...

Lacie took the Gold Paw award...she would. Her paws never get green in the grass...hmm...

Hey saw ur comin' to the Halloween Pawty....Pawsome!!!

Barkin' at ya...


well this sucks said...

Hiya mango!
Thank you so much for giving us an award! You sure got a lot! I haven't known you for a long time but I already do know you sure deserve every single one of them!

Hero said...

Congrats on all your awards, Mango! You're a great blogger and a great friend and deserve all of them!

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Mango!
Congrats on all the awards! I chose the golden paw award and I will proudly put it on my blog. Thank you so much!
I´m walking better today! Mommy called my sis Stephanie to our walkie and I love it! :)
Have a happy weekend!

Love and licks

Juno said...

Hi Mango! Wow, you've received many awards and congratulations!! :) You're so sweet...Can we please pick up Golden Paw Award?? :)

Have a great weekend!

Momo & Pinot

Poodle Soup said...

Hi mango, thank you for passing on your awards, you are so nice!! Hope you have found your beloved, she looks really pretty!!

Duke said...

Congratulations on all of your awards, Mango! You deserve them all and more!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

Congratulations on your awards! And you are very nice to share with all of your friends!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Snowy: thanks buddy for your kindness!

The ones that we already posted about were the first group of awards *we were late in posting them*.

My little paws didn't help my back to carry them all at once. I will carry the rest, no worries

You always make us feel *woofless* towards your generosity, buddy!

I don't blame my sister for making you her man. You are a real gentleman!

we sure are lucky to have known you

sending my tail wags to you and of course passing Crystal's loving kisses

Maltese Paws


Pedro said...


Thanks for thinking of me! You got some awesome awards. Congrats - you deserve them :P


The Black and Tans. said...

Thanks ever so for visiting us Mango. Gosh all those awards very well done to you.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Molly and Taffy

Mack said...

Congrats on the awards!
Mom says she wants to take you home as her reward!!!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congrats on all your awards Mango.

That's a great photo of you piggy backing. Be safe on your travels!

Thank you for giving us an award, we have chosen the gold paw one as we think it looks very cool. :-))

Holly & Zac

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Mango

Hey thanks for visiting me, and congrats for all your awards :-)



Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow! So many awards. It's no wonder though, since you have a great blog.

Steve and Kat

Cyrus The Great said...

Dang dude thats really neat of you! Ive never gotten a blog award before! Im not sure what to do or how to get it but I sure am happy to be recieving it though!!
Your choice man, youve made my day!
Bully licks,
Cyrus the Great

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Congrats on all you Awards...You deserve them all...You said we could take one, so I took the Gold Paw Award...My Mom says we could use some Gold with this crazy ecomony stuff...

I love what you did with my picture - It's soooo pretty...

Also, you told me I should write a poem, so I did...

Abby xxxooo

Abby said...

Hi, Mango...

Thanks for the poem...I love it...

And, I love what you did with my picture...

Abby xxxooo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mango,

Crystal is one lucky girl to have you in love with her. O'm sure you'll make it to see her soon.

O kin da got a crush on Snowy. Maybe we could double date sometime.

Have a good day....Mona

Eric said...

Hey Mango, wow look at all your pawome awards. And so genorous too, thanks you my new pal! Oooh I see you are off to see your girlie? But Mango, stay safe, wear a safety helmet and maybe a pair of leathers to protect your leggededs...n stylin' too!!!

Wiry wags, Eric x


Woof Mango,

Congratulations on all of your awards. You deserved all of them. And yes you are invited to Scuba's party, bring whatever and whoever you want. It's gonna be fun.

Desert Pups

Rambo said...

we love the doggy choice award. That's pawsome of you! We'll take the Golden Paw, cause we dont have one, okay?
your friends,
Rambo & MM

Amber said...

Hey there Mango, that so sweet what you did for Crystal. congrats on the awards :)

~Amber :)

Goofy said...

hi, mango cutie.. you've got alot awards there!!!!!!!! and of course u deserve them all!!!


Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Good morning Mango! Than kyou for the compliment. To answer your questions, i am a little girl. We have not formally met, but my mommy found your page on another doggy's page.

I would like very much to be friends with you, so please do add me to your favorites list.

may i ask how you get those really cool awards on your page? my mommy has noticed that they are passed around from one doggy to another but she is not sure how it is done.

Tail wiggles, & licks,

Coco - The Princess

Snowy and Crystal said...

*hehe* Mango - Sweetie Mona asked if she can be my date on Halloween dis year ^_^ What do you say?
She will be a pwincess. She is a sweetie. Sure I wike to be hew man on dat night

Crystal - Mango, my man, PWEASE join the fun contest game....It's not about winning or losing. Its just about having fun =)
(psst, my man is da most handsome one among all other doggies)
I searched fow in my closet fow da best outfit but didn't decide yet.
All my cheers goes to you handsome...pwease do join
sending my loving kisses to u

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

i posted my forst awart on my page and it is dedicated to you!

Thank you for being my first friend!

Coco - The Princess

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Congrats on all the awards! I would like to take a gold paw if that is ok.
Sorry I have not been around mom started a new job, so she is working too much!
Love the pics of you in front of your computer in your previous post!

Huskee and Hershey said...

WOW!! Congrats on your awards Mango!!
I love the new look of your blog too... By the way, I just tagged you to play a cool game.. check out my blog

The Musketeers said...

Hi Mango ! Lady here !

I am so happy to be back home seeing all of you again ! oh , how do you know my nickname ? my human call me sweety for my nickname ! BOL . Zena is letting me rest , as she knows that I need it . but that annoying brother of mine isn't doing so !Can't blame him , as he is still a pup . Thanks for everything Mango & family (:

Loves & Hugs ,
Three Musketeers

Dexter said...

Mango Minor - Sorry for the mixup. I was still looking at the award you gave me last month! You are too generous. I will tell momma to help me pick up my award soon.


Nevis said...

Thank-you very much! You're such a sweetheart, Mango!!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Do you think it should be more than 6 paws up for Party Mix? I was thinking our front paws.....hee hee

Snowball said...

Mango, Thanks for the award.

How was your weekend?


Snowy and Crystal said...

Checking on my man and sending my loving kisses


Have a pawsome day

Maltese Paws


Unknown said...

Nice to meet you ... you are so cool in your lovelorn state, and we agree about "going green." Yes, absolutely. Take the bike ...

Lacy said...

w00f's Mango, me will take the golden paw one, me not ever got that one b4...thank u soo much, me will post about it soon...i love ur new header, did me tell u that..

b safe,

Georgeous said...

hey Mango, careful with the piggyback there buddy - your girl may get upset??
Love George

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Hey Mango, I posted a gift especially for you on my page. It is my official Mango Kiddo award because you have such an outgoing personality that we should trademark it! It’s called... "Lets Mango"

(your mom will need to get you a publicist soon!)

Coco - The Princess

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mango,

I'm so excited about us Texas doggies double dating with Snowy and Crystal on Halloween night. I don't think ya gotta worry about that Frenchie dog. Crystal loves ya & she's not even looking at any other doggie since she's already got the best.

Love Mona

well this sucks said...

I like the new colorful banner!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation for those awards...

Poodle Soup said...

Hi Mango,
I know Crystal will never be mine, you have her heart.
But I am a hopeless romantic!!! One day I will find my true love, I still have Mamam, I will serenade her with kisses now.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Mango!

I missed you too, buddy! So sorry for visiting your blog so late! Thanks for passing on the awards! *hugs*

Hope you get to see Crystal very very soon!


Cyrus The Great said...

May I present you your very first and Bull Buddy award! Come to my blog and pick it up!
Thanks for being a great Bloggin' Dog pal!
Cyrus The Great

i said...

Just dropping in to say hi and you've been missed!

Pippa said...

Mango, I can't remember if I replied to your query about putting the DWB News on the sidebar.

Anyway the code is on the Bone Zone here.

Just go into blogger layout and use the box that tells you to enter html/java. Copy the whole code in and it *should* work.

Good luck.

Murphey said...

The lady keeps buying us treats, so we are not worried yet about the economy, but sometimes she looks just a little less green in her wallet than usual.


Asta said...

Mango sweetie
I love youw Halloween headew!
That Duffy is going to be a spoilet pup if he keeps getting bassinets like that..I nevew had a bassinet..Mommmi is vewy flattewed that you like hew paintings..I told hew you liked MY pawt of it
smoochie wheeley kisses

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

Mango!!! My buddy! How can I not see you!!! U are the APPLE of my eye! *drools* I love u pal! *big wet kisses* Just that Mama is busy lately so cant on the com for me! hmpfff Mango I love your header!!! Its so CUTE!!! Can u have that pic in a smaller version so I can Copy and paste on my blog! mwahahahah

Snowy and Crystal said...

oh my man Mango,

I've missed ya sooo much! I had the same problem here. Mommy was out all day yesterday. I didn't know how to turn the switch bottun on in my laptop - can you believe that a doggie like me owns a blog??

Sending my loving kisses to my one and only boyfriend love who stole my littlte heawt ^_^

maltese paws

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

I posted a Ladybug Hug award on my page for you Mango!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Licks,

Coco - The Princess

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Mom thinks she has the puter troubles fixed. Glad you liked Scooter's idea of the "award buffet"! Works good, hu?
Have a good weekend

Snowy and Crystal said...

Is it true when one said: Our guests always bring happiness, some by coming, some by leaving, hehe!"


It is sooo true, expecially in your case! your momy will be back to you ^_^

sending my loving kisses to you

Maltese Paws


Dino and Family said...

Congratulations on your many awards! You totally deserve them!
Love, Dino

Xsara and Tani said...

congrats on all the awards, mango!

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Hey Mango! Congrats on the awards and thanks for passing the awards to us! We miss you guys too!

Cocoa and Barley

Amber-Mae said...

Yeah sure, we missed ya! You got tons of awards. That's soooper kool!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Snoop Lim aka Noop Noop said...

Hiya Buddy! Mummy also dont understand why some of my pics is not able to click it bigger =( The Brace is actually my milky rawhide hehehe

Chloé said...

Hi Mango!!! There is a award for you in my blog, please pass to pick up it. Thanks


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Where are ya Mango. Are you still piggybacking to see Cyrstal. I miss ya and Halloween will be her soon so you and Crystal and Me and Snowy need to make arrangements for out double date.


kishiko said...

Hi Mango!
I have picked up an award, thank you! I love your beautiful photo!
wags wags

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Hi there Mango! Whats new with you?

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco - The Princess

Anonymous said...

Hey Mango! Good to see you back! We're looking forward to your next adventures... take care

Hugs, Josh and Jess