Sunday, August 28, 2011

Will you swim with us?

Hello efurryone,
Mango, Chubs and Ximui are here!
We're baaack 'cause we MISS you so much.
Terribly hot summer can't destroy my coolly handsomeness, can it?

Watch me Mango swimming with style, Olympic style!

Chubs swims like a turtle!

And Ximui swims like a sleepy turtle!

Until next post, cheers!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Wheeeeee... I am sooooooo glad to see you BACK my furend... I have REALLY missed you!!!

Anonymous said...


I is so VERY HAPPY that you is BACK!!!!

I sure have missed you lots Mango!

You do a pawsome job at swimmin too!

woos, Tessa

Oskar said...

It's nice to see you Mango! Welcome back to Blogville.

Nubbin wiggles,

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi everyone your dog strokes are absolute purrfection. Girls like boys who can swim.
Hugs Madi

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, glad to see you back. Enjoyed the swimming videos. You all seem at home in the water. What a fun way to spend a hot day.

Juno said...

Mango!! How exciting to see you back!! We missed you guys so much. You have no idea how happy we are to watch the video! Wow, three of you are very very good swimmer and YES, I Pinot will join you!!!!

Thank you for coming by our blog. Your comment made us smile as always. Oh...our brudder says HELLO to you. :) :)

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot

sprinkles said...


You're so lucky to have a pool. I bet it helps a lot in cooling off.

Asta said...

OOOh my excellisvely handsome wondewful fwiend Mango WELCOME BACK!!!!
I have missed you soo much (and Mommi has too)
It's so wondewful to see you and at youw olympic and i would have the bestest time swimming togethew, I have discovewed that I simply looove it..i have no pool, but i had a chance to be at a lake fow five days and then I snuck a day in at the ocean too..bliss

smoochie kisses and hopes that ou nevew go away again

Asta said...

Oh I was so excitewed seeing you swim that I fowgot to thank you fow those gowgeous owange flowews(you dint fowget)
Youw house looks lovely
see you soon
smoochie kisses

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

MANGO!! I'm so happy you are back. I've missed my brother so very much. Mommy would come check everyday. I have a new brother named Weenie so that means he's your brother too.

Please, please don't go away again. It's too sad without you.
Are you gonna get to comr to The Back To Sschool Bash? You could help me teach my roaching class.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

Mack said...

You are all three very good swimmers!
We really missed you!


Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Mango, very nice to read from you and then watch the videos of cuteness!! hehe thanks for the giggles. We loved the description of each's swimming style. not being breed-bias but you rocked the pool Mango. was the best swimmer. yep. it was an olympic style. AWWWH the paddling sounds were super cute.

yes! it has been a very long time since we last connected. Boy, where does the time go? We figured that it travels West XD

It has been super hot here too. We are in the pool often these days.

We are doing good. Few days ago, we gave mama a scare with our sudden health change. She rushed us to the vet and it turned out that we had an allergy reaction from a spray that was applied at home. We spent two nights at mama's friend's house. it was fun. We do have a lot to share, but goodness silly mama can hardly find the time. She isn't helping in keep our bloggie alive. We got yet another hair cut recently. We might end up posting about the recent one. smart mommy forgot that she had the previous post under "drafts" >_<

animal lover, quilt lover said...

So so so happy to see you back my friend, I have really missed you !!!
I lost my sweet Bambi June the 3rd.
Rescued Tinker 4 weeks ago today. She is still getting use to her forever home!!
Happy you are back!!!
xx, Tinker and Fern

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said... are all so very brave to go in the pool!! Welcome back!!

Dory, Jakey and Bilbo

Bella and Ollie said...

Welcome back, it's so good to see you again, we missed you !!!

Busy Buttons said...

Swimming sounds and looks TOO MUCH like a bath to me! *shutters* I can't stand baths!!!

Duke said...

You are all good swimmers but you're really fast, Mango! How nice to see you back :-)

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Mango,
Great swimming videos! My brother Chewy is a very wild swimmer, Ximui is so calm in comparison!

Asta said...

Dawling mango
A piggy back wide awound the pool? heaven !Thank you dawling..I'm so glad that you awe going to go join DWB again(we all have to do it all ovew) if thewe is evew a meeting again (and I'm suwe thewe will be, you will cewtainly be invited..sadly, i might be living in Budapest by next yeaw and pwobably won't have the moneys to twavel anywhewe.booo hoooI love you and am soooo happy that you'we my fwiend
smoochie kisses

George The Lad said...

Hey, so gald you popped by to say you are back. Great to see and hear from you again
Wow you sure swim well, me well I don't do water!!
Have a good Week
See Yea George xxx

Dexter said...

Hey Mini Mango! Thanks for the note because momma marked all as read after her google reader exploded when we lost power like forever.

I have to say that your swim style seems a bit splashy. You will never sneak up on a fish that way. However I applaud the courage all three of you show by actually getting into the deep water. You are braver than myself.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Mango my man... we need to have a 'man to man' talk. You cannot 'disappear' for this long in future cos we missed you terribly!!!

It's great you have a nice, big pool to swim in.. ahhh... that'd be a great way to cool off and you have such great style! Our mom refuses to let us into the pool here even if it's stinkin' hot cos she says the pool is shared with other humans who may not like it if us doggies shared their pool. Pfffft....

Sending you all lots of love.. please don't disappear on us again. **muacks**

Pippa said...

Good to see you back. You are very brave swimming in that water, not something I would want to do, even when it's hot.


Dino and Family said...

Welcome back, Mango!!! I really did miss your posts! I share the joy with the rest to see you back! Thanks for keeping up with my posts and for all the nice things that you say! I am definitely looking forward to see your updates. Kisses to your mom from me please. Take good care, buddy! Let's rock! Love, Dino

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for coming to celebrate my birthday with me.

You like catnip???? Really?????
Whooopeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I like you!

kishiko said...

Long time no see,Mango,Chubs and Ximui!
Wow you three are swimming! My mom loves the videos so she watched them many times...

Unknown said...

Wow long time no blog pal.
I love the turtle paddling.
good to see u

koko said...

Hi Mango,

It's 2 hours to midnight over here... and let me be the first to wish you Happy Barkday, my dear furiend :)

Licks, hero

The Animal Doctor said...

oh my youre so cute Mango!

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Hello Mango!

Good to see you're back! Please come back more often and don't go hiding anymore =p

Sorry for not getting back to you soon after you come back. Things has gotten more busy for me since this is my last semester before I finally graduate!

I just adopted/rescued another puppy and this time is a poodle. She's very timid and I need to work-out more on her. I setup up another site for my passion in this industry and you can have a look if you want. I posted up a story about Sugar on my new site but with pass protected. The password is Sugar for both protected post. Feel free to drop by

I'll keep my eyes on you and hopefully you could come back more often ^^

Miss you,
Mommy, Autumn, Jasmine and also Sugar

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi neighbors! Hope you had a good summer, and it sure was hot and good for swimming! Hope all is well. We are still having trouble with our mom help.....

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Hey little friend. Miss seeiing and hearing from you. Hope all is well with your family. What have you been up to? Stay in touch.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Mango, hope you are all okay!

Dino and Family said...

Mango, thanks so much for visiting my blog! Take care dear Pal and big hello to your mommy!
Love, Dino

Lorenza said...

Thanks a lot for your birthday wishes!
We all are doing well.
I have the same address.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


Where you been? I'm missing you so much. I been kinda sick so we don't visit much anymore but think of you all the time.

We love ya....Mona, Weenie & Mommy

Lucille, the Great Dane from Italy said...

Oh Mango,
I had missed this post... you are so good at swimming!!!
I am absolutely not...
I do no want to enter in a pool or in the lake or sea... not for me!!!
Take care
Ciao Lucille

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Well Mango we have a new dog!!! Zoie has been with us 10 days today. She is the biggest dog I have ever had!!! She is a sweetheart!!
xx, Zoie & Fern

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mango, I sure does miss you LOTS!

My puter died and we lost all my furiends email addies.

Would you please be so kind as to email me yours with your home addie so I can sends you a special Christmas card???

Hugs and missing you LOTS and LOTS!

woos, Tessa

Snowy and Crystal said...

deaw handsomeness Mango,

Fank you so much fow youw Bifday wishes to me. I had a bifday ice seam and lots of bifday kisses. I send you a puppy kiss fwom myself all acwoss da huge ocean.

Cwystal da maltese

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dear SWEET Mango I sure do miss you LOTS!

I have only one wish fur Christmas and that is fur YOU to come BACK to Blogville on a REGULAR basis!

Oh my sweetest Mango I wish you, your Mom and your brudders a VERY HAPPY Howliday!

BIG HUGS and Woos, Tessa

Juno said...

Happy Holidays, Mango and family! We miss you!

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy New Year, Mango, Chubs, Ximui & human!

Bocci said...

We miss your posts, Mango! Vow to write more in 2012!

A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours!

Anonymous said...





to you and yours my Sweet and Lovable Mango! I do miss you so!

woos, Tessa

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello mango its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy noo yeer!!! nice to heer frum yoo!!! ok bye

George The Lad said...

Hi Mango, hows you doing.
Thanks for your visit Happy New year to you, may all your wishes for 2012 come true
Love and hugs George and Tess xxx

Bella and Ollie said...

Best wishes of joy, health, love and happiness for 2012 !

kishiko said...

Happy new year, Mango, Chubs and Ximui!
I hope you three and your family have wonderful 2012!

Snowy and Crystal said...

Dear Mango & family - snowy here
Yes, I got my name from the high mountains of Germany ^_^ that's true! I love it dat mama has Internet access on da go in her iPhone and blogger app too because I can update my bloggie in da go now to be able to sens u Cwystal and my and mama's new yeaws wishes too. Wuv ya all <3
Oh and I puppy hope dat you can visit SunnyLand one day. Dat will be PAWsome.
Puppy kisses

Thor and Jack said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Thor and Jack

Snowy and Crystal said...

Oh I would vewy much wuv to visit da States. Mama has been der in a school student exchange twip in late 2009. She could not take me along due to being in school most of da twip, but I hope one day she will take me.

No worries buddy, your secret is safe wid me. As a puppy, I was da same by the way. But not anymore. I wish u da same.


Cocorue said...

hello hello and happy's to a wonderful 2012 to you and your hoomans

biiiiig licks and hugs,
coco and tiffy

The Animal Doctor said...

Mango, thank you for the christmas greetings! We wish you had a fun filled holidays too!


Anonymous said...

You my dear are a tease!

BUT! I do LOVE YOU! Yes, I truly do, even though Louis is my Beau in the UK I think you have ALWAYS been my Beau here in the US!

But you gots to get your secretary to start postin fur you again. Cause boy oh boy are YOU missed!

So, come on back!!!!!!!

Hugs and Woos, Tessa

All4UrPet said...

Wow you guys swim swimmingly... hehe! I love the videos! I'm actually super jealous you guys are out swimming... it's cold here! Keep up the pawsome fun in the pool!


All4UrPet Representative

Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet.

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Hi big bro, Mango! and Chubs and Ximui :)

I'm so sorry that could only get back to you at this time. Mom having her year end holiday now so she's been busy helping out her friend and she took the laptop with her :(

As soon as I get my hand on comp, I'll make sure to update your about me and Jazzie :) and not sure if you know,but we have a poodle sister now! It's a rescued dog as well. Will tell you more in details on the next mail :)

and Happy New Year 2012 to you too!

Autumn, Jasmine, Sugar and mom <3

animal lover, quilt lover said...

So happy to be back on the blogs!!
Happy New Year to you too!!!!!
Thanks for your visit!!
xx, Zoie & Fern

Snowy and Crystal said...

are you serious???? diwect flight? we gonna check it out and widout mama seeing, we gonna pack ouw doggie bags and sneak to Dallas <3

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


I've missed you so much.
QWhen Mommy saw the pupcakes she said they looked just like you.

We miss you blogging. Please post again soon.


Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Dear brother,

How have you've been? I miss you so much! sorry for not dropping by too often. I thought you've stop blogging :(

Glad to know that you're still here with us! We need to set a day for us to catch up on what's going on for the past months! =D

Autumn & Jasmine

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Mango, MANGO!! Whre ar you? I'vr mkissed your soemthing fierce. Please come back soon. I been telling Weenie All about anmd he wantzs to meet you so BAD!!

{{{huggies}}}......Mona & Weenie says.........Sniff ya later

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Mango, Thanks for dropping by today. We've missed you but guess your mom is really busy. Hope you'll be back blogging soon.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

So nice to see that you had come to visit Mango!!!
Thanks for your kind words!!!

Timmy said...

You're so lucky to have a pool. I bet it helps a lot in cooling off.

dog boutique

Unknown said...

We miss you so much, yeah were on our way Mango, I'm so excited to swim!

Dog Shock Collar | Human and Puppy Bond

Richard the expert dog and puppy trainer said...

It does appear to me that Mango enjoys swimming, what great videos of mango's talent

Dexter said...

Oh little mini Mango, I think you need to work on your technique. Awful lot of splashing going on there, but you get points for actually going in the pool which I, the full sized Mango, would never ever do. No way.


Juno said...

Hello Mango, it's hard to believe that you will be six soon-a handsome doggie! ;) :)

Thank you so much for your kind comments and your barkday wishes to our brudder. Please tell your mom that we're very sorry for her loss. We know it's very hard but we also know that he's not suffered anymore and runs freely. Ximui will be remembered.

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot

koko said...

Happy Barkday, Mango! Yes, I will always remember our birthday, my twin brother :) Hope you're doing well and have a great day ahead.

Licks, hero

Asta said...

Dawling Mango
I miss you and Chubbs and XiMui vewy vewy much
I live faw away now, but still think of you and youw pawents all the time wif lots of love
smoochie kisses

Thor and Jack said...

Glad to hear from you, guys!! We love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi brothers!

Thank you for dropping by to our wordpress :)

Sorry for not keeping in touch all these while. Things has gone hectic thus no time even for blog-ing ><

I miss you guys so much!! What is your plan for this year christmas? This time its gonna be our last christmas in Malaysia as we're moving back to mom's birth-country (Indonesia)...

Catch up with you soon ;)

Love and kisses,

Anonymous said...

Hello my sweet Mango and your Mom too! I miss you terrible!

I wanted to stop by to wish you and your Mom a




woos, Tessa

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thank you for coming by today, Mango. We miss you. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2013.

Anonymous said...

hello mango its dennis the vizsla dog agin hay thank yoo for stopping by mary krismas from owr pack to yores!!! ok bye

Selba said...

Hi Mango,

it's so nice to see on our blog again, thanks for the holiday wish.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Adele, Bella & Vincent

Asta said...

Dawling fwiendses it was so wondewful to get Cwissmuss wishes fwom you. I miss you and hope you'we all well. We send you ouw love and best wishes fow a vewy happy New Yeaw in good health and love
Soochie kisses
Asta and Mommi(we think of you so vewy often. Mommi's bootiful wobe is next to hew bed on display always)

Bella and Ollie said...

Best wishes of health, joy and happiness for the new year to you and your family.

Juno said...

Our precious friend Mango and family,

How are you? Thanks so much for stopping by our blog. We really miss you. We hope everything is well with all of you. We have to tell you that our brudder never get tired of playing with the stuffy doggie and a cute photo frame which are your presents.

We don't get to visit your blog often but you're always in our hearts.

Happy Holidays!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Thor and Jack said...

We miss you, Mango. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Thor and Jack

sprinkles said...

Hope you're having a happy new year!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We miss you, Mango. Hope you are doing well and had a good start to 2013.

Duke said...

We sure do miss you, Mango!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Juno said...

Mango and family, we definitely miss your update!

Thank you for coming by our blog. We're excited to hear that your mommy will be travelling soon. Spring is the best reason to visit. Have a safe trip and we look forward to hearing about her trip. Oh please feel free to email us if she needs to know anything about there. :) :)

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot

Juno said...

Hi Mango, just wanted to stop by and say woof! Summer has arrived. Hope all is well with you and your family. Did your mom enjoy her trip in spring? Hope she did!! :) :)

Happy Monday!

Momo & Pinot xo

Unknown said...

You have no idea how happy we are to watch the video! Wow, three of you are very very good swimmer and YES, Challenge coins

Juno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Juno said...

Hello Mango and family!!!

Thank you so much for taking time to send us sweet comment. Your words mean a lot to us and you made our evening much brighter.

Can you believe how much our proud brudder has grown?? Do you remember he was happy to put on your pressies, halloween slippers and overalls on? He's too big to try them on but they've kept in our keep sake box.

So glad to hear that your mom had a good time in Japan. We'd be super happy to share your photos. Our email is still the same, momocav(at)gmail(dot)com Mom has facebook account, too to keep her photos. You might be able to find her if your mom has an account. :) :)

Your friends,
Momo & Pinot xo

Duke said...

Oh no - we haven't heard a peep from Tessa, Mango. I sure hope she's okay!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Duke said...

Hey, Mango.
We just found this:

Maybe it will help?

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Juno said...

Hi Mango and family! The very special month kicks in! It's September. It's a little bit early but we wish you a very happy barkday!!

Momo & Pinot xo

Unknown said...

Awww Mango you are such a great swimmer! I had to visit your blog, as I can't get over the resemblence between you and my little Kirby! SO CUTE!

Juno said...

Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday to you,
Happy Barkday, our special friend Mango~~
Happy Barkday to YOU!!!!!

Wishing you a very happy Barkday, Mango! :) :)

Momo, Pinot and mom

Asta said...

It's so luvly to heaw fwom you and get yoow Biwfday wishes..we woold love to see yoow Mom hewe in Boodapest (I of couwse woold love to see you too!)
I hope you post mowe again, cause we all miss you
smoochie kisses

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I am so sorry, but I just read your message about Tessa on my Facebook (it went into the "Other" messages, which means I did not see it until I just clicked on it now). Yes, I have been in contact with Tessa and her Mom and they are fortunately doing very well!!! Contact me again on Facebook with a good email contact and I will send it to Tessa, if you'd like.


Unknown said...

Hi Mango!

My name is Tammy. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I just wasn't sure how else to reach you. I sincerely apologize if this comes across as spam, that is not the intent. With Christmas just around the corner, I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "Are You A Doggie for Christmas Kind of Mom?". You can view it at (Preview) . FYI (in case you're not familiar) is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

Happy Holidays!
Tammy Sexton
Marketing Coordinator
Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Mango. How are you doing?

Juno said...

Hello Mango, Chubbs and family!!

Thank you so VERY much for your lovely comment on our blog. We planed to send you pawsonal email directly over the holidays but mom's computer was down for the longest time and we were not able to find your address. We hope you're all well!! Please keep in touch.

Momo, Pinot and mom xoxoxo

World of Animals, Inc said...

Sounds like a great way to cool down during those hot summer days. The videos are all so great and we love them. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals

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